PolyDADMAC Descriptions and details
PolyDADMAC is a homopolymer of diallyldimethylammonium chloride (DADMAC), these organic coagulants are liquid / granule, cationic polymers of differing molecular weights. They work effectively as prim···
PDADMAC Descriptions and details
PDADMAC is a homopolymer of diallyldimethylammonium chloride (DADMAC), these organic coagulants are liquid / granule, cationic polymers of differing molecular weights. They work effectively as primary···
Drinking Water Grade PACThe raw materials of drinking water grade polyaluminium chloride are hydrochloric acid, calcium aluminate powder, and aluminum hydroxide, which are made by high temperature and···
Polyaluminum Chloride Flocculates By Adsorption Bridging
Polyaluminum Chloride Flocculates By Adsorption BridgingPolyaluminum chloride, as a high-quality water purification agent, has good flocculation effect in water treatment. The flocculation of polyalum···
Angchao Tech is the manufacturer of PolyDADMAC solid product, we have Powder and beads form.CAS No. 26062-79-3Molecular Formula:(C8H16NCl)nProperty:The product is a strong cationic polyelectrolyt···
PDADMAC solid product has two types, Powder form and beads form, their mainly characteristics are similar, but the usage can be different, due to many industrial purposes.CAS No. 26062-···
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