PolyDADMAC price, specifications, applications
PolyDADMAC based cationic polymer having most of its applications in textile, printing, paper making, mining, ink and sugar industry. It is also used as a BOD/ COD reducer and as a color removal for h···
The Application of Nonionic Polyacrylamide
Non-ionic polyacrylamide plays a very important role in water treatment technology and is widely used in many fields. It can be used not only for water supply and wastewater treatment, but also for ci···
Classification of Superabsorbent Polymer (Comprehensive)
Introduction Superabsorbent polymer (super absorbent resin) is developing rapidly, and the types are increasing day by day, and the source of raw materials is quite rich. Due to the hydrophilic groups···
Poly Aluminium Chloride in Paper sizing
Poly aluminium Chloride(PAC) is applied in many industries. As an Inorganic coagulant its used in two critical parts of the paper production process: sizing and retention.Sizing controls the···
Main Uses of Amphoteric Polyacrylamide
1. Profile control and water shutoff agent of amphoteric polyacrylamideAfter oil field tests, the performance of this amphoteric polyacrylamide profile control and water shutoff agent is higher than t···
The usage of Poly Aluminium Chloride in papermaking
Poly aluminium Chloride(PAC), as an Inorganic coagulant its used in two critical parts of the paper production process: sizing and retention. Also it is widely used in other fields.Sizing control···
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